
Locksmith 'Keymaster' is a member of the Qualified Professional locksmith association and legitimate locksmith shop with registered equipment by the Greek Police.
But, is this enough for a good locksmith?
Nowadays, with the speed that technology advances, continuous training is more than necessary. Especially in our own job, lifelong learning is absolutely essential.
In the security sector, there is a daily 'battle' between manufacturers that come up and produce various systems worldwide, and burglars who are trying to reach these technologies, and find their vulnerabilities and overcome them.
Therefore, each key and lock, any mechanism of protection remain secure only if its vulnerability has not been discovered by the "bad guys".
Winners in this kind of constant battle are the distinguished manufacturers and the cooperating locksmiths. The first because they are one or more steps in front of the "enemy" and the latter, because they are aware, educated and well trained to deliver the finished goods.
At Keymaster, in addition to the extensive experience and our innate inclination to our field, we have established and strictly follow four basic principles:
- We work closely only with the most reputable manufacturers of locks, keys and other products, without further contracts - so to make sure we can provide the best possible service to our clients.
- We constantly invest in the latest type cutters, engraving and programming keys. There is no key that we can not fix.
- We always stay informed, being educated and specialized, to be able to monitor developments in the sector, but also provide excellent information, service and after sales service to our customers.
- We are not being distracted nor offering any other services, such as heels, engraving, etc., but stay focused to our specialty.
Please see below some of our certifications and trainings.


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